Leiden University

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  • Th. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer / G. H. M. Posthumus Meyjes (eds.), Leiden University in the Seventeenth Century: An Exchange of Learning, Brill, Leiden 1975.
    1. J. J. Woltjer, Introduction, pp.1-
    2. J. C. H. Lebram, "Ein Streit um die hebräische Bibel und die Septuaginta" pp.21-
    3. H. J. de Jonge, "The Study of the New Testament" pp.65-
    4. G. H. M. Posthumus Meyjes, "Le Collège Wallon" pp.111-
    5. G. H. Hoenderdaal, "The Debate about Arminius outside the Netherlands" pp.137-
    6. J. H.Waszink, "Classical Philology" pp.161-
    7. G. Oestreich, "Justus Lipsius als Universalgelehrter zwischen Renaissance und Barock" pp.177-
    8. J. Brugman, "Arabic Scholarship" pp.203-
    9. T. H. Lunsingh Scheurleer, "Un amphithéâtre d'anatomie moralisée" pp.217-
    10. G. A. Lindeboom, "Dog and Frog: Physiological Experiments at Leiden during the Seventeenth Century" pp.279-
    11. A. M. Luyendijk-Elshout, "The Rise and Fall of the Mechanical School of Theodoor Craanan" pp.295-
    12. C. de Pater, "Experimental Physics" pp.309-
    13. J. W. van Spronsen, "The Beginning of Chemistry" pp.329-
    14. F. S. de Vrieze, "Academic Relations between Sweden and Holland" pp.345-
    15. E. van Gulik, "Drukkers en geleerden: De Leidse Officina Plantiniana (1583-1619)" pp.367-
    16. E. Hulshoff Pol, "The Library" pp.395-
    17. J. J. Woltjer, "Foreign Professors" pp.461-
    18. R. E. O. Ekkart, A Selected Bibliography, pp.467-