Processus contra Templarios

今月末にヴァチカン文書館から、テンプル騎士団*1関係の新発見文書のリプリント*2が刊行されるとのこと。これは、2001年にBarbara Fraleによって発見された「シノン文書*3」と呼ばれるもので、騎士団長ジャック・ド・モレ他に対するクレメンス五世の赦免が記されているという。

The new book is based on a scrap of parchment discovered in the Vatican's secret archives in 2001 by Professor Barbara Frale. The long-lost document is a record of the trial of the Templars before Pope Clement, and ends with a papal absolution from all heresies.
Prof Frale said: "I could not believe it when I found it. The paper was put in the wrong archive in the 17th century."
the new volume is “a previously unpublished and exclusive edition” that will have a print run "rigorously limited to 799 copies" and contains the "faithful reproduction of the original parchments conserved in the Vatican Secret Archives."


  • Barbara Frale, "The Chinon Chart. Papal Absolution to the Last Templar, Master Jacques de Molay," Journal of Medieval History, 30(2) [2004], pp. 109–134


*1:エスを否定してるとか、お尻にキスしてるとか、十字架に( ゚д゚)、ペッしてるって言われてた人たち。


*3:羊皮紙(700x580mm) Siehe: The Parchment of Chinon