Power Elites


  1. Wolfgang Reinhard, Introduciton: PowerElites, State Servants, Ruling Classes, and the Growth of State Power
  2. Pere Molas Ribalta, The Impact of Central Institutions
  3. Neithard Bulst, Rulers, Representative Institutions and their Members as Power Elites: Rivals or Partners?
  4. Gerald E. Aylmer, Centre and Locality: The Nature of Power Elites
  5. Anna Maria Rao / Steinar Supphellen, Power Elites and Dependent Territories
  6. Robert Descimon, Power Elites and the Prince: The State as Enterprise
  7. Gunner Lind, Great Friends and Small Friends: Clientelism and the Power Elite
  8. Hilde de Ridder-Symoens, Trainig and Professionalization
  9. Hélène Millet / Peter Moraw, Clerics in the State
  10. Antoni Maczak, The Nobility-State Relationship
  11. Ann Katherine Isaacs / Maarten Prak, Cities, Bourgeoisies, and States
  12. Rudolf Braun, Staying on Top: Socio-Cultural Reproduction of European Power Elites